Making homes safer places to live for Renters
Your headaches
Intrusive and annoying alarm inspections in your home
Uncertainty about the functionality of your alarms
Lack of smoke alarm care and instruction
Alarm malfunctions and changing batteries

I don’t even think about the smoke alarms anymore, I just know me and the kids are protected.
Renter, Wagga Wagga, Australia
Our Solutions
Automated remote alarm testing
Alarms are monitored 24/7, 365 days a year
Online and dedicated helpline
No changing batteries. Sensor Alarms have 10 year battery life
If your home does not have a Sensor Alarm network installed, refer us to your Property Manager so we can have a chat about Sensor safety benefits.

Smart Home technology keeping your family safer

A connected and automated ecosystem of integrated cloud software and smart IoT devices
Sensor is life saving stuff
If you have Sensor Smoke Alarms and other devices in your rental property, you’ve got the most advanced 24/7 connected alert system in available – that’s great news for your family.
Our alarms check in via the Sensor Hub and our own custom software to confirm they are connected continuously for 10 years. The system has its own dedicated internet connection that doesn’t interfere with your Wi-Fi in any way.
Because it’s all connected, your property manager will automatically test your alarms remotely to comply with regulations. The system will even communicate with you for a suitable time for these tests to occur.
This means no random inspectors needing to come into your home to test any alarms, as it’s fully remote. Only working smoke alarms save lives, so please never tamper with any installed alarms in your property.
You can rest easy knowing you have the most advanced smoke alarm system installed, protecting you and your family.
I’m not sure if the smoke alarm is working, can I test it myself?
Yes you sure can or ask your property manager to do it remotely. To test any smoke alarm, simply push the test button on the alarm for two seconds with your finger, and the alarm will run through a loud test pattern alarm.
Should I remove cobwebs from around an installed alarm?
Yes, and whenever there are spiders or bugs living around the alarm. But never spray insect repellent near an installed smoke alarm. You can use a hose vacuum cleaner, close to the alarm for 30 seconds, but do not touch the alarm. They are installed to protect the lives of everyone in your home in the event of a fire, so please care for them well.
Do I need to change the batteries in the Sensor Smoke Alarm?
No – Sensor alarms power themselves for 10 years. It makes them easy to look after, a money saver and great for the environment. We estimate we’ll save over 50 million batteries ending up in landfill over the next 10 years.
What happens if I open the installed Sensor Smoke Alarm?
Please don’t as there is never any need for you to open the alarm. If you do open the alarm, it will beep twice, then let your property manager know it has been opened as a tamper alert.
Can I cover the alarm?
No, not ever. Your lease will state you cannot tamper with any smoke alarm installed in your home. If the Sensor alarm is covered, it is likely to set an alert for your property manager. For the sake of your safety, and the inconvenience and likely cost to you for a technician call out, never cover your alarms.
Do Sensor devices record or film anything we do in our home?
Absolutely not. There are no recording devices of any kind in Sensor Smoke alarms or any Sensor device.

Be Sensor Safe
Assurance and peace of mind knowing smoke alarms are always working
Sensor systems stay live during loss of power (up to 48 hours)
Interconnected alarms – when one sounds they all sound